New Customer Reviews Section | Eclipse LED

Eclipse LEDEclipse LED is proud to introduce its customer reviews feature for all products, with testing services coming very soon. This reviews and rating feature has a custom built-in filter similar to that of Yelp reviews. It prevents us from giving ourself great reviews and from competitors dishing out negative reviews. It was designed for YOU the customer and/or athlete to give honest feedback on products, services, and customer service. We value the feedback received and view it as an integral part of product development and customer satisfaction. This idea encompasses what we mean by “perpetual research”; it allows us to always be moving forward with research and development, giving you the best products available at any given time.

So let us know what you think. Simply click “Submit Review” at the bottom of any product or service page, rate it, and leave a detailed comment on the pros and cons of each product or service that you’ve tried. So be honest and be bold.

All the best,

Eclipse LED